14 August 2012

Spend The Day Outside With A Picnic {Picnic World}

Believe it or not summer is nearing an end. What better way to spend time outside then with a picnic...even if it's just in the backyard. Getting some fresh air and sunshine will do the whole family some good. When I take Chase and Vallon out back or to the park we love to bring snacks. I pack up our reusable containers with fresh fruit, veggies and nuts.
At Picnic World you are sure to find the perfect picnic basket for your day out. I love the wicker picnic baskets with reusable napkins, silverware and plates. They are a great way to reduce waste and it makes it easy to be sure you have everything you need.

I also like this insulated bag for hiking. This would be great for camping and longs days outside. I love how many little pockets their are. I hate digging around a bag to find a little snack bar.
Looking to leave the kids at home? Make a date and spend some time with your significant other. Be sure to bring along a wine bag. Perfect for a bottle of wine, two glasses and even some cheese. Make that sparkling grape juice for all the pregnant and breastfeeding mommas! :)
Now go spend some time outside!