10 January 2017

Why Am I Suddenly Seeing Mice in the House? Environmentally Friendly Pest Control

Not much can get people jumping up on chairs and screeching like the scurry of a mouse across a bare foot in the middle of the night. No one enjoys the presence of a furry rodent when you are half asleep and simply heading to the kitchen for a glass of water. Cooler and wet weather tends to bring them indoors, but chances are they have always been there. Bringing animals like cats and dogs indoors will entice the rodents in to continue dining on the pet food, which they have probably already done outside on a regular basis. There seems to be no way to rid the world of mice, but you can take steps to make sure they stay out of the house for good.

Signs of a Mouse Infestation

Visually seeing mice is one sure way to know that you have them. Mice droppings along the floor or in drawers is another tell-tale sign that the mice are there. Chewed corners of boxes, shredded paper and insulation used for nests and gnawed fabrics are all definite signs of current mice activity. You might find a nest full of bright pink babies when moving furniture or items around in a garage or basement. They tend to build nests in areas of low traffic.

The Opportunistic Nature of Mice

Mice view your home as a source of food and shelter. Small bits of dropped food, animal food in bowls and the myriads of boxed food items in your cupboards normally provide all of the nutrition they need to live, breed and raise families. The nearly endless supply of cloth, cardboard and paper products are more than enough nesting materials to last a lifetime. They are very opportunistic and are looking for easy and comfortable ways to survive and thrive.

Mice and Disease

Mice are animals that scrounge for food and can carry a lot of disease. Their droppings and saliva can carry numerous diseases that can transmit to humans. The fleas from mice and rats caused the Black Plague that decimated Europe so many years ago. These are not creatures that you want feeling at home.

The Need for Professional Mice Extermination

Mice poison can be dangerous to have around the house, especially if you have children and pets. Traps do not keep new mice from finding your home delightful. If you know there is a mouse problem it is time to get a professional exterminator on the job.

End mice problems for good by contacting experts at residential pest control in Tampa like arrowservices.com. Affordable pest control is the best solution.