07 September 2018

Cornhole Wraps to Increase the Life of your Cornhole Board

Cornhole is one of the United States' most popular yard games. While most cornhole enthusiasts don't play it competitively in tournaments or professionally or hope to do so, it's still a widely popular game. Cookouts, football games, and other outdoor get-togethers are all places where cornhole boards, bags, and players can frequently be found.
Outside of experts and hardcore enthusiasts, most people aren't familiar with the ins and outs of cornhole wraps. Here are a few of the most important things you should know about cornhole wraps - whether you're a frequent player or simply someone looking to throw a fun party with plenty of activities, take heed.

Cornhole wraps are manufactured in several varities
The vast majority of all wraps for cornhole boards are made out of smooth vinyl. As compared to plywood and other unfinished, rough materials that are commonly used for constructing cornhole boards, bags slide farther on wrapped boards than their nude counterparts. However, you'll find that other wraps provide more traction for thrown bags, changing people's style of play. Either way - no matter what you're looking for - you can find wraps of your choosing by simply shopping around.

Coats of polyurethane can keep your wraps alive for longer
If you take care of your cornhole boards - don't leave them out in the rain, make sure they're stored in climate-controlled areas, and so on - you'll find that vinyl board wraps will last significantly longer. Even if you don't take care of them very well, regularly and evenly applying thick coats of polyurethane can increase the life of your cornhole equipment.

Vinyl board wraps can really make your cornhole games stand out
Most cornhole games are played at college football games and other collegiate events. As such, most cornhole players will want to rep their school of choice. If you have multiple boards with various collegiate teams, more people are likely to get involved in your games of cornhole.
Cornhole is a game that can be played as a pass-time or a means of duking it out competitively with your best friends. No matter why you're playing cornhole, you'll find that cornhole wraps will spice up your games a little.