17 October 2018

How to Maintain a Public Pond

There are a lot of ways for you to maintain a public pond. Whether you created it or it simply sits on your property, it’s now something that has to be managed. With the help of pond aerators and fountains as well as a few other things, you can be sure to keep your pond as healthy as possible.

Get an Aquatic Survey

Analyzing the water periodically will ensure you know what’s going on. If you have mildew, algae, or any other problem, it’s important that you know about it. There are various treatments that can be done so that the water is clear. It will provide a better aesthetic for your lake so that it can be enjoyed by the masses.

Add a Fountain or Aerator

An aerator or fountain can be a great addition to your pond. It will allow the water to move and to receive the necessary oxygen levels. Particularly when the body of water isn’t being fed by a river, lake, or ocean, it’s easy for the water to grow stagnant. Adding equipment into the middle of the pond can be the best solution for you. It will help to keep the water fresher and even provide a better place for wildlife.

Discourage Pollution

Often, the biggest problem that occurs in ponds is from the humans that live and recreate around the area. They may toss things into the pond, creating a lesson impressive appearance. You can set up signs and discourage polluting the pond. You may even want to patrol the area to catch people in the act. Set up trash bins around the pond, too, providing people with a place to throw away trash so that it isn’t going directly into the pond.
Your pond can look great. However, it’s going to require some work. Invest some money into it and then take the time to manage it properly.