03 April 2012

Celebration Day #3 - Set of 30 Cloth Wipes from Tender Bottoms on Etsy

From Stay at Home Cloth Diapering Mama

This is NOT the set the winner will receive but a look at what the product is
Tender Bottoms on Etsy has been kind enough to donate a set of 30 cloth wipes to help celebrate Baby K's 1st Birthday!!!  I would like to thank the wonderful owner, Kadi, at Tender Bottoms for her generosity.  The winner will get to chose any set of 30 cloth wipes in Kadi's store on Etsy that she has in stock.  There are no guarantees on what will be in stock when the winner is chosen.  So please do not get your hopes up for a particular set :)  Thank you Kadi!! 
a Rafflecopter giveaway